Friday, January 20, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 Launch with Longer Battery Life

Samsung Galaxy S3 Launch with Longer Battery Life: Samsung said the company is looking to develop new smart phones with batteries that last all day with mild to moderately heavy use, according to a recent report. This may be included in Samsung Galaxy S3, is expected to be launched at the next few months.

Kevin Packingham, vice president of product innovation at Samsung, said in an interview with CNET, "When you wake up, when you go to bed, we do not want you to feel anxiety about your battery."

When the new iPhone from Apple has officially released the 4S in October last year, it became clear fairly quickly that the batteries are not hvatalo. Poslednie phones rolling out with bright, large displays, processors, stronger, 4G connectivity, and specifications that are getting closer every day to the appropriate the computer. All of these specifications and features come with a significant battery drain.

Although Samsung does plan to include more cells, it is not the only solution that should be included in its future devices. Samsung also plans to extend battery life by improving governance through the smartphone features. Optimization of the way the device searches for Wi-Fi connection and a more efficient management of 4G LTE, are included in the list.

Meanwhile, users are hoping that Samsung will take further steps in the capacity of the battery and keep its promises.

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